Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Basics - CMM

- It is a model to measure the process capability.
- It was incorporated initially by SEI, Carnigie Mellon.

Key terms you need to know
- Level – indicates the capability of your organization,
- KPA – Key Process Areas. Delves into process areas in detail.
- Goals
- Common Features – discusses the features that should be satisfied by the organization.
Common features
- Commitment to perform
- Ability to perform
- Activities performed
- Measure and analysis
- Verify implementation

- Level 1 : initial level
- Level 2 : Defined
- Level 3 : Repeatable
- Level 4 : Managed
- Level 5 : Optimizing
Level 2
- Requirements management,
- Software Project planning
- Software Project Tracking and oversight
- Software subcontract management
- Software Quality Assurance
- Software Configuration Management
Level 3
- Organization Process Focus,
- Organization Process Definition
- Training Program
- Integrated Software Management
- Software Product Engineering
- Inter Group coordination
- Peer Reviews
Level 4
- Quantitative Process Management
- Software Quality Management
Level 5
- Defect prevention
- Technology Change management
- Process Change Management
CMM Framework
- Process Definition Criteria are the set of information that must be included in a software process description for it to be usable by the people performing the process.
- To establish the criteria the question generally asked is “What software process information do I need to document?”
Process Elements
- Purpose : Why is a process performed?
- Input : What work products are used?
- Output : What work products are produced?
- Role : Who (or what) performs the activities?
- Activity : What is done?
- Entry Criteria : When (under what circumstances) can processes begin?
Process Elements
- Exit Criteria : When (under what circumstances) can processes be considered?
- Procedure : How are activities implemented?
Other Proces Elements
- Reviews and Audits performed
- Work products that are to be managed and controlled (configured)
- Measurements to be made
- Training
- Tools

Operational Framework
- Policies : The laws and regulations that govern or constrain operations
- Standards : The operational definitions or acceptance criteria for final and interim products
- Process : Describe what happens within the organization to build products that conform to standards in accordance with policies
Operational Framework
- Procedures : Describes how-to or step-by-step instructions that implement a process
- Training : Knowledge and / or skills required to use a procedure
- Tools : Automated support needed to implement the procedures.
Review Process for CMM
Process improvement using CMM
- Software process improvement occurs within the context of
- The organization’s strategic plans,
- Its business objectives
- Its organizational structure
- The technologies in use,
- Its social culture
- Its management system
CMM and the Business Context
- The CMM is an application of Total Quality Management principles to Software Engineering
- Emphasis should be on Customer satisfaction
- The result should be higher quality software products produced by more competitive companies.
Objective of CMM
- The optimizing level is not the destination of process management
- The destination is better products for a better price : economic survival
- The optimizing level is a foundation for building an ever-improving capability
What is Process Improvement?
- Process Improvement can be equated to Lifestyle change
- Eg: Changes in process should be implemented for the better and continuous improvements should be made in order to consistently maintain the process improvement.
Eg Dieters
Make change a normal process
- Recognize that there are no shortcuts/ magic potions
- Relate improvements to overall plans and goals
- Accept that the improvements will come in small incremental steps
- Recognize that reactive changes generally make things worse
- Believe that crisis prevention is more important than crisis recovery
- Accept continuous improvement as a way of life
Goals of PCM
- Continuous process improvement is planned
- Participation in the organization’s software process improvement activities is organization-wide.
- The organization’s standard software process and the project’s defined software processes are improved continuously.
Technology Change Management
Goals of TCM
- Incorporation of technology changes is planned
- New technologies are evaluated to determine their effect on quality and productivity.
- Appropriate new technologies are transferred into normal practice across the organization.
Goals of DP
- Defect Prevention activities are planned
- Common causes of defects are sought out and identified
- Common causes of defects are prioritized and systematically eliminated.
Defect Prevention
- Purpose is to identify the cause of defects and prevent them from recurring
- Involves analyzing defects that were encountered in the past and taking specific actions to prevent the occurrence of these types of defects in the future.
Understanding Level 5
- Automate, pilot new technologies, do technology transition
- Identify and eliminate chronic causes of poor performance.
Goals of SQM
- The project’s software quality management activities are planned
- Measurable goals for software product quality and their priorities are defined
- Actual progress toward achieving the quality goals for the software products is quantified and managed.
SQM involves
- Defining quality goals for the software products,
- Establishing plans to achieve these goals
- Monitoring and adjusting software plans, software work products, activities, and quality goals to satisfy the needs and desires of customer and end-user.
Goals of QPM
- The quantitative process management activities are planned
- The process performance of the project’s defined software process is controlled quantitatively,
- The process capability of the organization’s standard software process is known in quantitative terms.
QPM involves
- Establishing goals for process performance
- Measuring the performance of the project
- Analyzing these measurements
- Making adjustments to maintain process performance within acceptable limits
Goals of PR
- Peer review activities are planned
- Defects in the software work products are identified and removed
Purpose of PR
- Purpose is to remove defects from the software work products early and efficiently
- Develop a better understanding of the software work products and of defects that might be prevented
- Involve a methodical examination of work products by the producer’s peers to identify defects and areas where changes are needed.
Goals of IGC
- The customer’s requirements are agreed to by all affected groups
- The commitments between the engineering groups are agreed to by the affected groups
- The engineering groups identify, track and resolve intergroup issues.
IGC involves
- Involving a disciplined interaction and coordination of the product engineering groups with each other to address system level requirements, objectives and plans.
SPE includes
- Software requirements analysis
- Software design
- Coding
- Integration
- Testing

Goals of SPE
- The Software engineering tasks are defined, integrated and consistently performed to produce the software
- Software products are kept consistent with each other.
Goals of ISM
- The project’s defined software process is a tailored version of the organization’s standard software process
- The project is planned and managed according to the project’s defined software process.
Goals of TP
- Training activities are planned
- Training for developing the skills and knowledge needed to perform software management and technical roles is provided
- Individuals in the software engineering group and software-related groups receive the training necessary to perform their roles.
TP involves
- Identifying the training needs of the organization, the projects and the individuals,
- Developing and/ or procuring training to address these needs.
Goals of OPD
- A Standard software process for the organization is developed and maintained
- Information related to the use of the organization’s standard software process by the software projects is collected, reviewed and made available.
Goals of OPF
- Software process development and improvement activities are coordinated across the organization
- The strengths and weaknesses of the software processes used are identified relative to a process standard,
- Organization-level process development and improvement activities are planned.
Goals of SCM
- Software configuration management activities are planned
- Selected software work products are identified , controlled and available
- Changes to identified software work products are controlled
- Affect groups and individuals are informed of the status and content of software baselines.
SCM involves
- Identifying configuration items/ units
- Systematically controlling changes
- Maintaining integrity and traceability of the configuration throughout the software life cycle.
Goals of SQA
- Software quality assurance activities are planned
- Adherence of software products and activities to the applicable standards, procedures, and requirements is verified objectively,
- Affected groups and individuals are informed of Software quality assurance activities and results
- Noncompliance issues that cannot be resolved within the software project are addressed by senior management.
SQA involves
- Reviewing and auditing the software products and activities to ensure that they comply with the applicable procedures and standards,
- Providing the software project and other appropriate managers with the result of those reviews and audits
Goals of SSM
- The prime contractor selects qualified software subcontractors
- The prime contractor and the software subcontractor agree to their commitments to each other.
- The prime contractor and the software subcontractor maintain ongoing communications
- The prime contractor tracks the software subcontractor’s actual results and performance.

SSM involves
- Selecting a software subcontractor
- Establishing commitments with the subcontractor
- Tracking and reviewing the subcontractor’s performance and results
Goals of SPTO
- Actual results and performances are tracked against the software plans.
- Corrective actions are taken and managed to closure when actual results and performance deviates significantly from the software plans
- Changes to software commitments are agreed to by the affected groups and individuals.
SPTO involves
- Tracking and reviewing software accomplishments and results against documented estimates, commitments and plans,
- Adjusting plans based on actual accomplishments and results
Goals of SPP
- Software estimates are documented for use in planning and tracking the software project
- Software project activities and commitments are planned
- Affected groups and individuals agree to their commitments related to the software project.
SPP involves
- Developing estimates for the work to be performed
- Establishing the necessary commitments
- Defining the plan to perform the work
Goals of RM
- System requirements allocated to software are controlled to establish a baseline for software engineering and management use.
- Software plans, products, and activities are kept consistent with the system requirements allocated to software.
RM involves
- Involves establishing and maintaining an agreement with the customer on the requirements for the software project
- Agreement is the basis for estimating, planning, performing, and tracking the project’s software activities.

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